Why Fitness Programs Fail Funny how a treadmill serves as the best metaphor for what so many people experience in their health and fitness pursuits; pushing to go forward, but really going nowhere. It was fitting that the otherday was Ground Hog Day, which conjures up memories of Bill Murray in the movie named for the holiday. Murray’s character wakes up everyday, realizing that he is experiencing the same events, day after day, like some sort of a metaphysical treadmill. This reminds me of the common plight, repeated year after year around this time, for those seeking improved health and fitness. Research tells us that 90% of people will have given up on their fitness resolutions by this time. And research continues to tell us that the state of the U.S. health is plummeting. Most of us don’t need the research to tell us this –we see it all around us. This may seem like a melancholy tune I’m humming, but I hope it rather serves as a blaring alarm to WAKE UP! Have you truly changed your eating habits? Are you consistently following a proper exercise routine? Have you addressed your lifestyle to manage stress and get proper sleep? Have you consistently measured your progress or held yourself accountable to your health and fitness goals? The worst thing I can imagine is you failing to realize how you can employ readily available and effective strategies that have profound effects on the quality of your life. And the worst thing I could do it sit quiet. Knowing I have expertise in the very solution proven to optimize health and have the most profound impact on preventing numerous diseases that afflict too many of us. Having seen its power first hand, yet fail to share is just wrong. Whether you are a client of mine, or attended my seminar last week, you have heard me share the reasons why many fitness routines fail. If you are someone who has simply been reading my newsletters, this may be new information for you. But for all of us, whether we are loyal fitness enthusiasts, or struggling through what seems to be the “fitness failure ground hog day,” we all need to be aware of why fitness programs fail. Because what I am about to share is the only thing that separates you from a successful pursuit towards improve fitness and becoming yet another fitness failure statistic. So here are the top reasons why fitness programs fail:
Top Reasons Why Fitness Programs Fail
1.Time: Almost everyone’s sites this as the main reason for failure to commit to an exercise program. The issue is not that people don’t have enough time. Rather, they are misinformed about how much time they really need to get healthy and fit. They are told to exercise 60 minutes a day, 5-6 times a week. But research shows you can get fit with much less time. The key is to get the right program that gets better results in less time.
2.Not taking care of injuries: It is hard to exercise when you have painful knees, a bad back, or a shoulder that screams with most movements. I know, because I’ve endured and/or treated almost every orthopedic condition you can think of. However, I have designed routines for myself or others managing broken bones, inability to weight-bear on limbs, severe pain, torn tendons and ligaments, amputations–the list goes on and on –and allowed them to exercise without pain. More importantly, we know how to spot risk factors that can cause or lead to injuries and pain before they happen. That is true prevention.
3.Incomplete program: Some falsely believe they can focus only on nutrition, or just cardio, or exclusively weight training as a means of achieving optimal health. Not so. Research and experience convincingly shows that a comprehensive routine, involving proper nutrition, resistance training, energy system training, and corrective exercise is essential for optimal results.
4.The Wrong Program. Many people may have the right components, but are doing the wrong program. The program that is appropriate for a young bodybuilder is nowhere near appropriate for a 40 something mother of 3 with a bad knee trying to lose 20 pounds. Beginners should focus their energy towards the basic three compound lifts: squat, deadlift, and bench press. After you perfect the form, start adding weight to the bar. You can find professional advise by .
5. No Assessment. Very few people take the time to assess their current status. This helps determine which program is appropriate, present injuries, and provide a baseline to measure progress. Also, it helps with establishing goals, which has been proven to be a key step in guaranteeing success.
6. No coaching: coaching is pivotal to assure that you are learning and performing the exercise program correctly. It also is key in providing support and essential knowledge to empower you to tackle fitness and health goals. A coach helps bring everything together to assure you on the path to success.
7. No Accountability: This is a crucial mistake. Not measuring your progress and holding yourself responsible for attaining a goal is guarantee that you will fail. This is a scary process – and reporting to someone else is the only true method to ensure accountability.
8. False Expectations: many people harbor delusions of losing all their body fat in 30 days, often perpetuated by some unethical marketing hype. Disillusioned when they don’t live up to the false hype, they give up and resign to failure. A true professional knows how to give you appropriate time frame to reach your goals.
9. Insanity: As Einstein defines it, doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. We need to change our program variable frequently, as the body will adapt if the same routine is repeated too long, and cease to progress.
10. Inadequate Recovery: No matter how hard you exercise and how well you eat, failing to sleep and manage stress will sabotage your health and fitness goals. Yet we often never consider this factor, and assume we weren’t working hard enough. Right now, no matter where you are in your fitness journey, it is time to hold up the mirror, and see whether you are guilty of any of these mistakes. And no matter how many of these mistakes you may be guilty of, you can decide right now that you are going to stop making these mistakes. I know my biggest mistake is not getting enough sleep. But I’ve made commitments to change that (let’s just hope my kids cooperate)! Be honest with yourself, and make steps to address these steps. Booking a free consultation is the best way to find out how to guarantee you will succeed with your fitness goals. Go to https://spectrumfit.net/freeconsultation.html to reserve an appointment. We have only limited openings this month, as many people who attended the charity seminar are redeeming their gift certificates, so be sure to act now. If you aren’t ready for a consultation, learning our proven methods at our monthly seminars is another great way to get started. Beginning next Tuesday, we will hold monthly seminars covering new, in-depth topics to tell you exactly how to improve your health and fitness. Go to https://spectrumfit.net/services/fitnessseminars.html to learn more and register. Here’s to being one of the 10% who has not quit on their fitness and health commitment!