Here’s a quick story that you need to hear. It explains why I have such a problem with the false notion that cardio training is something that only happens on a treadmill or bike, and that weight training somehow is not good for your heart. Recently a patient came to see me for a severe […]
Is weight training cardio? (Part 2)
Modified Glute-Ham Raise
Here’s a great option to work the glutes and hamstrings, especially if you don’t have access to a glute-ham raise or roman chair apparatus. Similar to glute ham raises and Nordic hamstring curls, this exercise is excellent for hamstring injury prevention and strengthening of the hamstrings and glutes, and involves minimal knee and low back […]
7 Rules for Deciding if You Should Get Surgery
Over the last nearly 2 decades of treating patients and clients, I’ve been often asked to answer a common question: It’s a question that frankly isn’t asked enough, however, is a way to lose weight from specific areas. Most assume that when they have a joint that is damaged, and it can be fixed, then […]
Is a low carb diet better for weight loss?
A recent study has come out suggesting that a low carb diet supplemented with a protein like may be better for maintaining weight loss. Essentially, they found that those who ate low carb had a higher metabolic rate than those who ate higher carb. As always, it’s important to look at the finer details to […]
Is weight training cardio?
“Mike, I have a great weight training routine. But what should I be doing for cardio?” The problem with the question is the assumption that Weight training, or better termed resistance training, is not a challenge to the cardiovascular system. But the evidence shows us that this isn’t true. Weight training is Cardio! Studies have […]